Recently Pathao, a ride-sharing homegrown platform from Bangladesh has come under a lot of flak and scrutiny for allegations of unauthorized access to user’s SMS and contact list. This incident also started an important discussion relating to the protection of personal data protection in Bangladesh. The 21st century has been defined by many as the […]
Human Rights
Reparatory System of Justice: International and Bangladesh context
Introduction: Reparatory System of Justice is a part of transitional justice process[1]. Transitional justice ensures the human rights and also gives importance in stable social mechanism. This justice process helps the society to become oppression free and stable. Reparatory system is also a way which paves the way of the transitional justice to achieve its […]
Preventive Detention And Violation of Human Rights: Bangladesh Perspective
Chapter 1: Introduction to Preventive Detention Chapter 2: Concept of Preventice Detention Chapter 3: Preventive Detention Under thr Constitution of Bangladesh and other statutory laws Chapter 4: Violation of Human Rights by Preventive Detention. Chapter 5: Case Studies on Preventive Detention. Chapter 6: Recommendations and Conclusion. ABSTRACT Bangladesh is one of the few countries in the world which allows preventive […]
The words ‘speech’ and ‘expression’ are often used interchangeably to serve the same legal purpose but in technical terms they are not the same. Freedom of expression is a much broader concept and it also covers the right to freedom of speech. Literally speech means to express one’s thoughts and feelings in the form of […]
Sign Language and violation of Human Rights in Bangladesh
Have any of us ever wondered about living in a world with no sounds? A world without the sound of children giggling or melody of the drizzling rain. Think about a state of never-ending silence, a world where words bear no meaning. Can we, the fortunate ones, imagine the frustration of not being able to […]