The words ‘speech’ and ‘expression’ are often used interchangeably to serve the same legal purpose but in technical terms they are not the same. Freedom of expression is a much broader concept and it also covers the right to freedom of speech. Literally speech means to express one’s thoughts and feelings in the form of […]
Miranda Rights: Feasibility of Practice in Bangladesh
The hardcore Hollywood Movie fans have watched that scene on silver screens countless times, where a police officer shouts these common phrases, ‘you have a right to remain silent’, ‘anything you say can be used against you in a court of law’, ‘you have a right to presence of an attorney’ and ‘if you cannot […]
Sign Language and violation of Human Rights in Bangladesh
Have any of us ever wondered about living in a world with no sounds? A world without the sound of children giggling or melody of the drizzling rain. Think about a state of never-ending silence, a world where words bear no meaning. Can we, the fortunate ones, imagine the frustration of not being able to […]