Abstract: CEDAW focuses on ensuring equal rights for women with peace and non-discrimination, with which it is easy to provide for women’s rights. This article covers the struggles women in Bangladesh face due to discrimination in their constitution, legislation, and decision-making. CEDAW is needed to conduct the research, and it provides a brief explanation of […]
Constitutional Law
Highlights of the Judgment on Constitutionality of 16th Amendment
Case Title: Government of Bangladesh and others vs Advocate Asaduzzaman Siddiqui and others Reference: CIVIL APPEAL NO.06 OF 2017 of Appellate Division. Date of Judgment: 3rd July 2017. Author Judge: Surendra Kumar Sinha, CJ For Full Judgment: CLICK HERE Introduction: The landmark judgment on the Constitutionality of 16th Amendment by the Appellate Division of Bangladesh […]
Constitutional Basis for Judicial Review in Bangladesh- With Special Reference to Marbury V. Madison Case
Years ago in 1610, Sir Edward Coke, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas declared in Dr. Bonham’s case that “in many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament”. This historic declaration gave rise to a everlasting debate regarding the extend of power between the Parliament and the Judicial organ and also played […]
NULLIFYING OF 16TH AMMENDMENT: Unprecedented reaction similar to jeopardise the country’s Independence of Judiciary
RECENTLY the whole nation witnessed an unprecedented robustious reaction from ruling party senior ministers and parliamentarians from the opposition also hours after the High Court Division declared, the 16th amendment that had empowered the parliament to remove a Supreme Court judge on grounds of misconduct and incapacity, unconstitutional and void on 5th May. Experts and academicians […]